Friday, February 2, 2007

So I totally got lost today! Its ok, I got back safe and sound, but it was quite the adventure! God was watching over me for this one, it worked out really well. What happened is I took a green bus after school like I always do, but apparently there is more than one green bus going in the same direction at the same timeJ I got on and immediately felt like something was not right but knowing my paranoid self I ignored the feeling and kept reading my newspaper. But I started to look around and not really recognize anything, not a good sign. Then all the sudden everyone got off the bus and I was like, um hmm this can’t be right. So I went to the driver and asked him if I they were still heading to Rio Coca and he said a lot of stuff really fast but the gist of it was no. Thankfully there was a woman beside me who said she was in the same position as I was. So she talked with the guy and said she could help me find my way because she was going in the same direction, it turns out she was just one stop before me! We took a couple buses before we got on one that looked familiar to meJ then we rode that across town and home I was! It was an adventure, I liked it, and it’s bound to happen right! At least I made it home in one piece! Just took a lot longer that’s all.

We picked up our tent and sleeping bags for our trip up the mountain tomorrow! We also went to the store and got stuff to make PB&J sandwiches. (and some animal crackers to snack onJ) I’m doing some homework right now, gunna head home pretty soon because we have to meet at 8am tomorrow. That’s all for now!! Sorry for the long story, I just thought it was crazy!

Miss you all!


GO BEARS!!!!!!!!


Goldfish said...

Glad you back to your haouse safely! I'm sure that must have been a terrible feeling. Isn't it wonderful how God puts people in our life who sometimes just *happen* to be going through the same things we are?! Never apoloogize for the long story! But Paul might say differnt. I was showing him your blog on Sunday and he said if he sat down read all of it, it would probably take him a year! :D

Anonymous said...

Hey pretty lady!
I'm glad that you made it home!!! Bus rides=crazy! I miss you at home! I went to sunset by myself today and was sad bc you weren't there with me to motivate me! I was on the elliptical bye myself! I love you and will write more later!

Kevin R said...

that's somewhat like the adventure Scott, Will, Brian and I had this weekend... basically it involved us going to Cleveland for an Incubus concert. I'll call ya sometime soon to tell you the story. Doesn't involved getting lost in a foreign land, but fun nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

Okay maybe not....
I wish though! LOL!
Thanks for calling me today! You are the best best friend ever! (Doesn't that look silly with two bests?)
I'm sooo cool!

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.